July 9, 2024 in Feature & Analysis, News, Popular Posts

THE INCUBATOR SERIES with Diiyi William-West -Don’t Ignore Artificial Intelligence (AI).

When you hear people say that artificial intelligence (AI) has come to stay, it’s not in the figment of their imagination; it’s a fact which anyone who doesn’t want to be ‘left behind’ in today’s burgeoning economy needs to take to heart. Indeed, we’re no longer talking about the rise of artificial intelligence; we’re now in the phase of serious consideration of whether there would ever be limits to its march into different domains of mankind’s existence.

For the purpose-driven student or entrepreneur, it’s necessary to follow what AI is already spewing in its wake as well as its cutting edge grip into new frontiers. In all, the question that has to be comprehensively treated is: how far would AI throw the student and/or entrepreneur laggard in the scheme of things – having taken up quite a handful away from human operations.

Without any iota of equivocation, one can say that artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our contemporary existence. AI has continued to revolutionise industries, academics, deployment of social infrastructure, social interactions and even the way we do businesses. Therefore, students and entrepreneurs who dismiss the import of AI are already missing out on a plethora of opportunities for good performance and more encompassing growth and innovation in business and career.

Any keen observer would see how AI streamlines efforts in entrepreneurship and in the academics, thus enhancing efficiency. First of all, by automating repetitive tasks and processes, AI can free up valuable time and resources that would enable focus on more strategic initiatives. For example, for the enterpreneur, AI can be used to analyse large amounts of data quickly and accurately, providing valuable insights that can inform decision-making and drive business growth…. READ MORE on https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/68747120/accomplish-magazine-july-2024

Photo copyright: Unsplash

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