February 25, 2024 in Feature & Analysis


Not a few Nigerians have lost hope in their patriotic pre-election pursuit to take back Nigeria from the admixture of cabals and deceptive friends in power! Many Nigerians think that the horde of the crooked in the corridors of power, the self-serving equivocators in the kitchens of power, and the band of hypocrites in the tributaries of power have overrun the movement that sought to entrench real, progressive, and pan-Nigeria development; equitable development that shall be driven by a true appreciation of the numerous human and natural resources the country is blessed with and equitable harnessing and exploitation of same for equitable benefiting of the peoples of the country.
Let’s say it as it is. The fears of those who have embraced doubts and despair in the fulfillment of the loud hopes of the many who lined up at polling stations across the country on February 18, 2023, can’t be laughed at or taken for granted. It looks quite like their fears are true and their preferred candidate’s case in the chambers of the Law are dead on arrival.
Making the effort to appreciate why those patriots bear flagging faith is the reason we should continue to point out why the seeming lull of apparent activism should not be taken for the defeat of our patriotic cause. Those of us who understand the unfolding realities at the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal’s proceedings should continue to point out how incontrovertible facts and truth can’t cower to steeped falsehoods, desperately reactive shenanigans, and panic-driven propaganda. Rather than get vexed with the recent doubters among us or even mocking them, we should caringly help them to rise in faith again by pointing out how unfolding facts can’t be buried with legal technicalities if the judges are conscientious.
Let all concerned persons rest assured that by the grace of God and the efforts of our persona directly or indirectly involved in the legal battle at the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal, we shall be the ones rejoicing with the victory shout! Oh yes! We may be dragged to the Appeal Court and the Supreme Court.  Just keep warming your victory shout engines! Yes, of course, sustain powerful, animated prayers too! We can’t over-pray even as diligent legal steps are being taken in the courts. 
The walls of the ‘Jericho cabals ‘ are already falling! We shall have the last laugh! We shall enjoy a lasting victory shout! And, the real but delayed greatness of Nigeria will soar!
While we wait with positive expectations at the outcome of what looks like a long-lasting legal battle, let us seek innovative ideas and take necessary steps to increase our respective incomes legitimately to stand above recent government policies that are afflicting our financial well-being.
Please, let us all keep up our good work on all fronts and all our spheres of influence going.

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