March 8, 2024 in Arts & The Masters, Editor Picks, Lifestyle

Damaged Stolen Vogh Painting Recovered in Ikea Bag

Damaged Stolen Vogh Painting

For the first time since it was found in an Ikea bag, a stolen Vincent van Gogh painting was on exhibit, but it now has a white mark across its surface. In a press release announcing the return of the painting, the Gronginer Museum detailed the harm.

A press conference was held on Wednesday, February 7, at the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands, where “The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring” was displayed in its damaged state. It would be recalled that while the painting was lent to another institution in March 2020, it was stolen.

According to the news release, the painting will be available for public viewing at the Gronginer Museum starting on March 28.

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